Around 1950, Stephen Kuffler became the first to record the responses of retinal ganglion cells to spots of light in a mammal, the cat. He was then working at the Wilmer Institute of Ophthalmology at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. In retrospect, his choice of animals was lucky because the cat's retina seems to have neither the complexity of movement responses we find in the frog or rabbit retina nor the color complications we find in the retinas of fish, birds, or monkeys. Kuffler used an optical stimulator designed by Samuel Talbot. This optical device, a modified eye doctor's ophthalmoscope, made it possible to flood the retina with steady, weak, uniform background light and also to project small, more intense stimulus spots, while directly observing both the stimulus and the electrode tip. The background light made it possible to stimulate either rods or cones or both, because only the cones work when the prevailing illumination is very bright, and only the rods work in very dim light. Kuffler recorded extracellularly from electrodes inserted through the sclera (white of the eye) directly into the retina from the front. He had little difficulty finding retinal ganglion cells, which are just under the surface and are fairly large. With a steady, diffuse background light, or even in utter darkness, most retinal ganglion cells kept up a steady, somewhat irregular firing of impulses, at rates of from 1 to 2 up to about 20 impulses per second. Because one might have expected the cells to be silent in complete darkness, this firing itself came as a surprise. By searching with a small spot of light, Kuffler was able to find a region in the retina through which he could influence--increase or suppress--the retinal ganglion cell's firing. This region was the ganglion cell's receptive field. As you might expect, the receptive field was generally centered at or very near the tip of the electrode. It soon became clear that ganglion cells were of two types, and for reasons that I will soon explain, he called them on-center cells and off-center cells. An on-center cell discharged at a markedly increased rate when a small spot was turned on anywhere within a well-defined area in or near the center of the receptive field. If you listen to the discharges of such a cell over a loudspeaker, you will first hear spontaneous firing, perhaps an occasional click, and then, when the light goes on, you will hear a barrage of impulses that sounds like a machine gun firing. We call this form of response an on response. When Kuffler moved the spot of light a small distance away from the center of the receptive field, he discovered that the light suppressed the spontaneous firing of the cell, and that when he turned off the light the cell gave a brisk burst of impulses, lasting about 1 second. We call this entire sequence--suppression during light and discharge following light--an off response. Exploration of the receptive field soon showed that it was cleanly subdivided into a circular on region surrounded by a much larger ring-shaped off region.